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Whole-School 2023 Book Day Resource – Our Tower
What you will find here is a whole-school resource written to be used for the annual Book Day 2023 (beginning of March) and designed to give you a whole-school focus/theme based around the absolutely superb book Our Tower by Joseph Coelho and Richard Johnson. There are loads of activities to complete in all classrooms, with activities differentiated across KS1 and KS2.
After reading the book and discussing in detail, there are drama, writing and art activities to have a go at. These should lead to some beautiful outcomes including plays, stories and multi-media artwork inspired by the book! There is then a number of whole-school activities, with the main one being the creation of class books themed around the children’s own homes called My Tower!
The pack also includes additional whole-school reading-themed activities involving the creation of bookmarks and the writing of book reviews for Our Tower!
There is a template available for the bookmark activity on our website – just search Book Day Bookmark!
The pack has been created by teachers who work across all ages and should be suitable to keep the whole school busy and focused for the full day, leading to lovely end outcomes including poetry, artwork and book creation that would make for a perfect whole-school display and showcase on social media and school websites!
To make the most of this resource, you will need a copy of the book (one per classroom). This can be purchased from all good book retailers!